Didn’t Even Bother to Learn Their Names

Want to feel better about yourself? There’s a simple solution – spend a ton of money treating yourself to a charity vacation in Romania: The team was assigned a family that we would primarily be doing our work for. Our family (not that I can remember the name of this family, they were Romania, it was a hard name) consisted of 3 children and the … Continue reading Didn’t Even Bother to Learn Their Names

With “Historians” Like These…

Since I’m not busy cashing checks from Romanian or American intelligence agencies it sometimes takes me a while to catch up on what’s been going on and be able to properly respond to accusations made here on the blog. Luckily, this week I’ve been able to carve out some time to address this nonsense. The Berlin Bear If you ever visit Berlin, the capital of … Continue reading With “Historians” Like These…

Now We’re the Victim

One thing I find rather wearisome is when some people in this country get a little bit too caught up in playing the Now We’re The Victim game. Exhibit 1: Realitatea, a 24-hour news channel with a campaign saying Now We’re The Target: Here’s the key passage in the article: Acum, în proiectul legii Insolvenţei a fost adăugat un articol prin care oricărei televiziuni sau … Continue reading Now We’re the Victim