Constantin Brancusi Day

At the end of 2015, Iohannis “Dirty” Klaus signed into law a bill that officially commemorates February 19 as Constantin Brancusi Day. Awesome! The guy truly was a talented artist and was seemingly born that way, as there are stories of him carving intricate things even as a young child. And, despite the fact that Romanian kids are generally happy and that “nothing” can surpass … Continue reading Constantin Brancusi Day

The Grandmaster

Many years ago I was eating dinner in a restaurant in Bucharest when my companions began pointing and whispering excitedly. It turned out that Gheorghe Hagi was eating at a nearby table. I not only didn’t recognize him by sight but I had literally never heard of him despite the fact that he is widely considered to be this country’s greatest football (USA: soccer) player … Continue reading The Grandmaster