Legion of Honor

I see that the beatification of Saint Laura Codruta Kovesi continues apace as the French government just officially awarded her the Legion of Honor (French version ici), the highest civilian distinction that the French government has.

I suppose she’s in good company. Other Romanians who have received this very prestigious and completely legitimate honor include:

King Michael/Mihai – the same guy who fucked over Romania multiple times received his Legion of Honor in 1944, just a year before the Soviets also gave him their highest honor. Michael still has both medals.

Nicolae Ceausescu – The French dictator, megalomaniac and military strongman Charles De Gaulle traveled to Romania in 1968 to personally give the award to Ceausescu. After Ceausescu got shot in the face, the French retroactively canceled the award.

Sorin Oprescu – The mayor of Bucharest was given the award in March 2015 for his “service to the capital”. Six months later he was arrested by the DNA for taking bribes and removed from office. The French responded by saying, “Well, at least he’s still a surgeon.”

But hey, Laura looks happy. She’s probably grateful that at least someone foreign likes her because certainly no one who votes in Romania does.

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