How to Engineer a Coup d’Etat in 10 Easy Steps

  1. Replace the president of the Senate with your own man. COMPLETED JULY 4, 2012
  2. One third of the members of parliament formally declare that it is “necessary” to suspend the president of the country. COMPLETED JULY 5, 2012
  3. Parliament informs the Constitutional Court of their desire to suspend the President. COMPLETED JULY 5, 2012
  4. The Constitutional Court sends the parliament a judicial recommendation. This recommendation is not legally binding. SCHEDULED FOR JULY 6, 2012
  5. Parliament votes on whether to suspend the President from office SCHEDULED FOR JULY 6, 2012
  6. 50% + 1 of members of parliament vote to suspend the President, who is immediately replaced by the President of the Senate – SCHEDULED FOR JULY 6, 2012
  7. Replace the directors of the National Institute of Statistics with your own men so that they can recalculate the results of the 2011 census in your favor. COMPLETED JULY 5, 2012
  8. National referendum is held. If 50% + 1 of the voters support the suspension of the President, he is permanently removed from office – SCHEDULED FOR AUGUST 2012
  9. New elections are held and your man, currently the “temporary” president, is elected to a full 5-year term.
  10. Congratulations, you have successfully engineered a coup d’etat!

8 thoughts on “How to Engineer a Coup d’Etat in 10 Easy Steps

  1. Tu ori ai sindromul stockholm ori ai mancat pastrama de la Becali, Altfel nu-mi pot explica gandirea asta simplisto-grobiana.

    Basescu si regimul lui s-au cacat, s-au pisat, au ejaculat, au flegmat si au calcat in picioare institutiie statului, constitutia, statul de drept si “democratie” iar tie vad ca nu prea ti-a pasat. Iar acuma cand in sfarsit cineva incearca sa-l dea jos te-au apucat crizele si incepi sa tipi ca Romania e in pericol.

    Daca Antonescu ar intra in Palatul Cotroceni cu mitraliera si l-ar face sita pe Basescu, probabil la ordinul lui Voiculescu sau ceva, nu mi s-ar parea deloc inadecvat.


  2. Hi Sam,

    It’s too much to say this is a “coup d’etat”. But it IS an abuse of the new majority of the Romanian Parliament, and a lot of laws and procedures have been broken/ignored in the last few days by these people. As CTP said, “when you see what a group is capable of doing when trying to seize power, try to imagine what this group is going to do when it will be time for them to give it up.”

    And you forgot one, very important thing in your list:the replacement of the People’s Advocate (or how you call the Avocatul Poporului). This was an essential step, because he was the only one who could block the new referendum law by attacking it at the Constitutional Court. The reason is that the new law was an “Ordonanta de Urgenta” (I have no idea how that’s called in English), but the Constitution doesn’t allow for electoral laws to be modified through an Ordonanta de Urgenta.

    What they’re doing is not a coup d’etat, but it sure isn’t legal, and sure isn’t moral.


  3. Wow, the overt bitchiness of these comments made my Bitch-meter implode. People, instead of butchering the English language *coughTWINKLEScough* and criticizing Sam for (God forbid) giving a shit about our country, why don’t you try, oh, I dunno, DOING SOMETHING ABOUT IT?


  4. “Coup d’etat

    A quick and decisive extra-legal seizure of governmental power by a relatively small but highly organized group of political or military leaders, typically by means of the unexpected arrest or assassination of the incumbent chief executive and his principal supporters within the government. For the coup to be successful, the rank and file of the police and military have to be willing to take orders from the new government leaders once the coup is accomplished, so typically the organizers of successful coups have previously recruited important military and police commanders to their cause prior to going ahead with it. Most frequently, coups are initiated and led by high-ranking military officers. They are most apt to be successful in countries where both the general population’s and the government bureaucracy’s ideological dedication to upholding established constitutional procedures is relatively weak and consequently there is little danger of massive civilian resistance or non-cooperation by the rank and file of soldiers and other government employees.”

    That’s from “A Glossary of Political Economy Terms” – Auburn University

    This is to show you that you don’t know what you’re talking about.

    You slowly but surely are becoming unhinged. Take a chill pill!


  5. Sam, I don’t recognize you any more, what has happened that your brainy doesn’t work any more LOGICALLY ?
    Remember, on July 3rd, “your” Ambassador made a very negative statement about the political situation here, on July 4th, “your” Ambassador has stepped back and made an official statement that he wouldn’t comment anymore in a negative sense and that RO has a “stralucios viitor” and, BINGO, today we are informed that Ponta has a strategic and economic adviser, General GRANT !
    Now, tell me, IF we are really in a situation of “Coup d’Etat”, wouldn’t that mean that your native country has given a helping hand ? Hey, do some BRAINSTORMING !:-))))))))
    Anyway, neither of us all know what will happen, RO is full of surprises so……..just let’s see what will happen, ok ? TWINKLE


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