Lonely In Purple

Happy Birthday!
Now hang on just a dang minute. The unsleeping eye picked up that Roberta Anastase, who has been the source of a lot of trouble on this blog, was celebrating her birthday today.

Well that’s no big deal as we all have birthdays. But then I read this:

Preşedintele Camerei Deputaţilor, Roberta Anastase, a declarat marţi, de ziua ei de naştere, că a găsit biroul său plin cu flori, că îşi doreşte “puţină linişte şi o atmosferă mai frumoasă” şi speră să se căsătorească anul acesta.

She wants to get married this year?? Wow, where do I sign up?

Seriously, it’s pretty funny how a lot of people got a big time boner for Elena Udrea, the ambitious but failed Tourism Minister. I don’t believe female politicians need to have any physical appeal at all to do their jobs, certainly male politicians don’t. But if we’re going to start talking that way, come on, who is hotter than Roberta Anastase? Jeez! And she’s the Speaker of the House. Whew, good thing I don’t live in Bucharest :P

I wish her much success in all her endeavors, purple or not :)

5 thoughts on “Lonely In Purple

  1. Hmm, I didn’t know that she used to be hot. Now she’s big like a cow, feeding on our souls and all that.


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