Extending the Blessings of Civilization to our Brother who Sits in Darkness

Word Count: 3337 Over the past month or so, I’ve been catching some flak for my supposed lack of patriotism, a lack of enough love for Romania and/or America, which then gets translated into love for Russia. I tried defusing this with some humor but I realize that it may have sailed over a few heads, so let’s try using some basic, plain talk. Samuel … Continue reading Extending the Blessings of Civilization to our Brother who Sits in Darkness

The Hidden History of 1492 or How Romania (And The Entire World) Became Indebted To Bankers

I think just about every school child in Spain, Italy and the Americas knows that in 1492, a trio of ships from Europe landed in the Caribbean, an event that ended up radically changing the lives of everyone on the planet. But something else happened of equal importance in 1492, in fact during the same month that the expedition was first authorized. From the first … Continue reading The Hidden History of 1492 or How Romania (And The Entire World) Became Indebted To Bankers